This contemporary Indian fusion duo was born from the union of two dancers who live in different parts of Europe, but speak the same body language and share a respect for fusion in dance.
It is a continuous collaboration in constant progress, their meetings take place in different parts of the planet, in France, Spain, India… and their main working medium is through the Internet, with the use of different video conference platforms.
Shakti Sisters lives up to its name, as they met in 2014 at Shakti School of Dance, where they became friends and dance partners. They feel a deep brotherhood beyond borders and languages, and the power of love for the Dance.
“Ananta” means eternal or infitio in Sanskrit. The duo is inspired by the heavenly serpent that represents the infinite expansion of the Universe.
Also called Shesha in Hindu mythology, it is where Visnu (Guardian or Protector) rests and dreams about what we call our reality. Shesha is also “the one who remains”, the one who will prevail when everything else ceases to exist.